


eating. . .white chocolate macadamia nut cliff bar... heavenly.

reading. . .the hunger games. third time is the charm, right? and i'm already farther than last time. 

listening to. . .sondre lerche. love him.

watching. . .lord of the rings: the two towers. its my go to feel good movie.
smelling. . .camu-camu. i love my scentsy!

dreaming of. . .living in southern france. only have to wait 5 years!

anticipating. . .a semi-fresh start back in bend. 

loving. . .urban outfitters. 

creating. . .doodled postcards. it's my new thing. i will share after the move.

appreciating. . .the amazing friends i have made up here in portland. 

learning. . .french. well, re-learning french. i've surprisingly retained a lot!

celebrating. . .love. 


a taste of france.

photo: associatedcontent.com

in my effort to become one with french culture, i have made multiple trips to a delightful boulangerie in neighboring lake oswego. this place is fantastic. it's so easy to forget where you are and pretend that you are, in fact, in france (which i do!) 
the bakery is named saint honore and it is amazing. the people who work there are SO nice and accommodating & the food is TO DIE FOR (i'm partial to the turkey + cheese croissant...yumm). not to mention lake oswego makes me feel rather...ritzy.
their pastries are absolutely wonderful and baked fresh...the normandy apple toast and the chauquettes are my favorite
if you are ever in the area, make it a point to stop by saint honore boulangerie for a bite. a tip, you may want to arrive early...seats go quick!


nine admissions.

un. i love to wear boy's button up shirts. plus, they are super cheap.
deux. i secretly want to be a uber famous photographer...but i'm not willing to learn about photography.
trois. in a month mike and i are applying for our passports...over a year early. :]
quatre. i still sleep with my baby blanket.  
cinq. grocery shopping makes me SO grumpy. i will do almost anything to avoid it.
six. i am actually excited to move back to bend. even thought i hated living there. 
sept. i have never had a pedicure.
huit. cupcakes are my way of asking someone to be my friend. who doesn't love someone who bakes them cupcakes? thats right, no one.
neuf. if i could sleep until 11 am every morning, i would.


keep portland weird.

it was just an average day in downtown portland... 
where people smoke pot on the street corner.
the best restaurant resides, hillbilly bento [this place has inspired me to start a new blog, the picky eater's guide to awesome food, coming soon to a website near you.]
dogs of all shapes and sizes trot.
and a women will kindly place the sorting hat upon your head and tell you what house you belong to [we are true Gryffindorsdon't you dare forget.]
where mike i become gangsters [the pretend gangsters, of course].
and all the buildings look the same.
an umbrella and hoodie is mandatory.
a creative gift-giver's paradise awaits in paper source.
where you can get lost in the blink of an eye,
then find yourself just as quick.


loving this!

i am loving this...

  • being co-owner of by your side canine care, llc. yay!
  • white chocolate macadamia nut clif bars. oh my gosh, yum.
  • a weekend doggy play date in cannon beach.
  • zip-up hoodies. you simply cannot survive portland without one...or two!
  • friends. my friends here in portland, my long distant friends in boise, spokane, bend, pocatello...not to mention my family all over the country. i love you guys :]
  • mikes birthday is on april 8th. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS. so much! 


one down.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.mohandas gandhi

i am happy to report that i have finally accomplished one of my (many!) 2011 resolutions;
to forgive and forget. 
one down, twelve to go!

oh, harry!

where i come from, harry connick jr is simply just harry. it took about a year for mike to understand what it meant when i would say "i'm in the mood for harry" or "harry has been stuck in my head all day" or "i love harry". luckily, mike loves harry, too! i mean, how could you not?